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4 Leadership Qualities to avoid staff burnout

Tips to avoid burnout
Joni Peddie
October 27, 2022
min read
4 Leadership Qualities to avoid staff burnout

I was reading an article on a medical website yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised about the fact that Doctors, Physicians and Practice Managers are discussing 'leadership issues' in their Medical Practices.

These 4 leadership qualities are from a study of 600,000 healthcare professionals over an 18 year period in the United Kingdom.

Sit back, take a DEEP breath ask yourself (as you read them)... whether you 'fully embrace' all four of these qualities?

1. Pay attention: Leaders listen to ALL employees with EQUAL FASCINATION.

2. Understand: Listen to employees and LEARN about the workplace CHALLENGES they face.

3. Empathize: Learn WHAT IT FEELS LIKE to be in your employees' shoes.

4. Help: REMOVE OBSTACLES by ensuring that your employees have proper training, staffing and equipment.

It's the 101 of human nature... people need to be heard, valued, recognised and nurtured / helped.

What are you doing to ensure that your leadership style positively impacts your employees? We need to find ways to ensure that employees are less prone to burnout!

#culture #leadership #peoplecentered #humaneleadership #BOUNCEFORWARD

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