Sleep is vital for brain health. Public holidays, too much work , too little work, sick kids, sick adults, a Netflix binge … you name it …sleep is most often the first casualty. We know that getting 7-8 hours of sleep improves mental health, physical health and especially our brain function. On the other hand, insufficient sleep, and poor quality sleep is thought to be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and ‘poor’ decision- making.
Four ‘must -do’s to prioritise quality sleep :
1. Cut out blue light exposure from digital devices (including your TV, Mobile and computer) 90 mins before bed (blue light blocks production of the sleep hormone melatonin).
2. Create a wind-down routine before bed that includes a relaxing activity like reading, listening to music, sex and / or a hot bath.
3. Avoid discussing stressful issues before bed. And, of course NO Tv in the ‘boudoir’!
4. No caffeine (tea, coffee or green tea) 8 hours before bed. If you go to bed at about 10pm, then the latest cuppa should be at around 2pm!