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Sparkle Up! Strengthen Your EQ Muscle in These Turbulent Times

Emotional Intelligence
Joni Peddie
March 11, 2025
min read
Sparkle Up! Strengthen Your EQ Muscle in These Turbulent Times

On a typical Monday, many of us struggle to find our 'sparkle'.

Emotional intelligence might be just the fuel we need to ignite our potential and energy!

Traditional EQ training often involves full-day workshops that rarely translate to sustainable change. It's like going to the gym once a year—it simply won't build strong biceps!

I was shocked this weekend when chatting to mates at a birthday party. They are senior Banking Execs. I was sharing with them that I am collaborating with Mygrow—a company that specialises in EQ development and offers a phenomenal “easy-to-use“ tech platform. These Execs were unaware that EQ is measurable, teachable, and learnable!

Why Mygrow?

Their tech-enabled approach offers an EQ “droplet”: do just 10-15 minutes three times a week!

  • watch an awesome 5 min video ( I get bored easily and most of these I want to watch twice !),
  • do a quick quiz & then a practical exerciseIt really is quick, easy and practical!

I am a big fan of habit-stacking: so my philosophy is JUST DO IT three mornings a week with your coffee.

The business impact is compelling:

  • Teams with strong EQ become 20% more productive
  • Managers with high EQ are 4x more likely to retain employees
  • Teams with high EQ show 11x greater engagement

A 2023 HBR study found bite-sized EQ training reduced workplace conflict by 31%. I am seeing that people who are tired and stressed are more stoppy these days with their colleagues. No longer the “polite at work” and let it all “hang out” at home syndrome.

In today's 'manic' global environment, we desperately need leaders equipped with better self-management and interpersonal EQ competencies.

Want to experience these "EQ droplets" firsthand?

Please message me, I'd be delighted to demonstrate how Mygrow can enhance your team's emotional intelligence!

Mygrow celebrated 10 years of Business in March 2025

#EmotionalIntelligence #Leadership #SelfMastery #WorkplaceCulture #BeResilient #BounceForward.

Do you need help re-energising your life and career?
Yes please!