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State of May?

What is the State of your Team?
Joni Peddie
May 27, 2024
min read
State of May?

Over the last few weeks in May, I interviewed 12 people in an Exec team in preparation for a two day workshop, that I am facilitating. Shout out to Cheryl Vogel, my PA (and right arm) - she collated the interview responses into this great one pager. I have naturally hidden the branding in the epicentre.

The key themes are VERY similar to what I am seeing in many Senior Exec Teams:

  • Need to build Trust;
  • Trying to 'boil the ocean' (too many projects) ;
  • Silo mentality;
  • Symptoms of Burnout;
  • No time to think;
  • Inability to give constructive feedback;
  • Inefficient meetings';
  • Triangulation etc.

Do you know what the 'State of Play' is like in your team... I called this the 'State of May'!
I am seeing the 'above issues' in MANY TEAMS!

These challenges are hindering their ability to navigate the current 'turbulent' business environment. There are a few BIG business news items in South Africa at the moment : Shell; BHP Billiton / Anglo American to name two, and obviously the political climate at the moment.

Time to think. Time to be more 'transformative' and less 'transactional'.

Maybe time to #WelcomeChange.

What crucial conversations are you having in your team, in June 2024?

#BounceForward #KnowtheStateOfPlayInYourTeam

Do you need help re-energising your life and career?
Yes please!