Teams are Systems. In the last week I have facilitated 3 very different teams, in totally different Industry sectors, with different expertise and mandates in their Multinational Organisations.
As a result each workshop had a different set of ‘deliverables’. I used a number of different ‘models’; ‘engaging exercises’ and techniques to cross fertilise ideas, and get them to ‘shift gears’.
Today, I am still reflecting and fascinated by what I observed in these three very different teams last week.
I was wondering what you are seeing in your teams in your Organisation?
My 4 key insights:
The POWER of Team COLLABORATION. Here's a quick war story.
At the end of Friday the team did the “Lost at Sea” exercise, which demonstrates (with the US Navy Seals model answer) the POWER of Team COLLABORATION.
This one guy Moshe (Type 5 on the Enneagram) was a Team GEM …and nobody really knew about him as a great Team asset. In the debrief, Moshe and the team discussed his ‘behavioural pattern’ of OFTEN not verbalising his thoughts, feelings and intuition in their team meetings. His brain is ‘extraordinarily’ fast, logical, and he’s able to easily focus on consequential thinking, and unintended consequences.
He will (‘happily’) now be asked for his contribution, and nudged to speak up.
In your Team, do you have …
1. ’People’ that you are NOT taping into ?
2. People who are QUIET GEMS, that need ‘nudging’ to lean in to problem solving / innovating thinking conversations?
In summary:
Utilise the ADDITIONAL Team member, which is TEAM SYNERGY…driven by ENERGY & MOMENTUM!