Valentine’s Day often conjures images of commercialized romance—flowers, chocolates, and extravagant dinners. However, for those of us who feel a bit rebellious against this consumerist tide, there are alternative ways to celebrate that resonate more deeply with our values and connections.
Today, I’m embracing my inner romantic while steering clear of the typical Valentine’s Day fanfare. Instead of a candlelit dinner for two, I will gather with a group of my closest friends. This gathering is not just about companionship; it’s about spreading love in a way that feels authentic and meaningful.
I am ALSO going to scroll through my WhatsApp contacts and reach out to someone I haven’t spoken to in ages. Today, I plan to call a dear friend in the UK whom I worked with at Lipton Tea back in the early ’90s. Life has thrown him some serious challenges; he suffered a tragic accident 28 years ago that left him paralyzed from the neck down. Despite the distance and time apart, my affection for him remains strong—he is like a brother to me.
This practice of reconnecting is what I like to call a #BounceForward habit. It’s about taking action to bridge gaps in our relationships and show that we care, no matter how much time has passed. I encourage everyone to try this today; pick someone from your contacts who you’ve lost touch with and reach out. You might be surprised at how much joy and warmth it brings both you and them.
Celebrating Love Beyond Romance
Valentine’s Day can be more than just a day for couples; it can be an opportunity to celebrate all kinds of love—friendship, family, and even self-love. By focusing on these connections, we can create a more inclusive and heartfelt celebration.
Let’s redefine what it means to celebrate love. Let’s connect, reach out, and spread kindness in our own unique ways. Whether it’s through a simple phone call or a gathering of friends, let’s make this day meaningful without succumbing to the commercial pressures that often overshadow its true essence.
Let’s get off our computers and take action—call that friend, send that message, or simply share a moment with those who matter most.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
#ConnectWithMates #SpreadTheLove #KickBackAndMAkeThatCall #CallRatherThanWhatsApp #BounceForward