If you know these facts about your brain … what will you choose to do differently?
This last weekend I was in a different city. I met new, and interesting people. I facilitated a half day Enneagram ‘Be your BEST self’ workshop, and I participated as a delegate, in a fascinating ‘Scale your Business’ two day workshop.
Being away from my home and my office … always gives me additional time to look at ‘life and people’ slightly differently. Given that there are no ‘home chores’ or distractions … I have more time for me, and more time to contemplate new perspectives on how we all choose to handle our lives so vastly differently.
Without delving into inter-personal issues, and emotional issues (that were intriguing), I also watched how some people eat & drink mindlessly. Others talk boastfully about ‘little sleep’, and many complained about the Cape Town wind and rain, and their inability to exercise outside.
Here are a few FUN FACTS about your BRAIN, and my thoughts on the “So What?” factor. Hopefully the facts and a “nudge” from the SO WHAT will get you to shift how you Think, Feel and Act!